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Monday, February 3, 2014

Starting Out

School, work, social life, and everything in-between; that's what I plan to cover in this blog. I will be posting recipes, crafts, commentary on my work and social life, along with the occasional rant.  This is my first blog so I will be learning as I go. I am in my last semester of my undergraduate degree, studying business. As part of my communications course we are required to start and maintain a personal blog.

I have been reading a couple other blogs and researched tips on blogging, and the most common thread of advice was to be yourself and honest. Keeping that in mind I can honestly say I'm excited and scared to begin. I think creating this blog will be a good means of self reflection and a good learning tool, I also think it will appeal to my creative side.

I will be posting a couple of times a week (my mark depends on it).  

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